Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Michael Angelo

Theology Michealangelo’s gigantic marble David,which he created between 1501 and 1504 after returning to Florence, brought him to his high point of his career. David was illustrated as a lithe nude youth, muscular and alert, looking off into the distance as if sizing up the enemy Goliath, whom he has not yet encountered. The fiery intensity of David’s facial expression is called terribilita, a feature characteristic of many of Michealangelo’s figures and his own personailty. This piece of art work became the symbol of Florence and originally was placed in the Piazza della Signoria in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, the Florentine town hall. With this sculpture Michealangelo proved his contemporaries that he not only surpassed all modern artists, but also Greeks and Romans, by infusing formal beauty with powerful expressiveness and meaning.... Free Essays on Michael Angelo Free Essays on Michael Angelo Theology Michealangelo’s gigantic marble David,which he created between 1501 and 1504 after returning to Florence, brought him to his high point of his career. David was illustrated as a lithe nude youth, muscular and alert, looking off into the distance as if sizing up the enemy Goliath, whom he has not yet encountered. The fiery intensity of David’s facial expression is called terribilita, a feature characteristic of many of Michealangelo’s figures and his own personailty. This piece of art work became the symbol of Florence and originally was placed in the Piazza della Signoria in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, the Florentine town hall. With this sculpture Michealangelo proved his contemporaries that he not only surpassed all modern artists, but also Greeks and Romans, by infusing formal beauty with powerful expressiveness and meaning....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives in Conducting Research Essay

Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives in Conducting Research - Essay Example There is a relevant connection that exists between qualitative and quantitative approaches as far as research in social science is concerned and the relationship has been empirically and theoretically demonstrated by many researchers that have dealt with different issues(Ragin, 2008). The recent years have been saturated with widespread debate within the social sciences that is associated with the relative advantages in respect to qualitative and quantitative strategies for research, and the opinions different researchers have vary significantly. There is a section that considers the two methods to be totally independent and in relation to the unconventionalideas, there is a section that prefers to blend both approaches in their research activities. Bryman (1998) advocated an approach that would entail the best parts of both approaches and was therefore of the opinion that both qualitative as well as quantitative approaches should be combined.`According to Niglas (2000), none of the variations that are in existence between quantitative and qualitative methodologies are the form of diametric contradictory practices but instead constitute a continuous scale which qualitative and quantitative research are not arranged in a manner that is basic. Secondly, there still exists quite a good number of researchers that are inclined towards the qualitative approach who take a realist ontological position and quantitative researchers whose ontological position is associated with idealism and relativism that associated with realism.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The topic must be related to Working and Education, and something that Research Proposal

The topic must be related to Working and Education, and something that you can do - Research Proposal Example My research topic is: The increasing use of technology in workplace and reduction in human resource needs. Technology has been identified as a boost to the economy. It does not only make work easier but also more convenient and dependable. One form of technology can perform the duties of several workers more efficiently and take less time. As technology use increases in companies and industries, it is agreeable that many people will be losing jobs. Many technical and less skilled jobs are being performed by machines. It reduces the company’s need for human beings who would be performing these jobs. Since machines are more efficient and have lower operational cost, many companies are taking this opportunity to mechanize their operations as much as possible. Considering the speed by which companies, industries and corporations are being mechanized and comparing it to the increasing number of college graduates each year, there seems to be a looming problem related to human resource. The effect of technology consumption on human resource is, therefore, a topic that is worth researching. Technology is an important development in the world and that its application has made many aspects in life easier. It is agreeable that, the implementation of technology in industries is important and relevant. Lack of jobs resulting from mechanization is something real in many organizations and companies. My research question in this case is: What is the impact of technology and industry mechanization on human resource around the world? This research project is very significant. Besides its relevance in education and work, it also represents a contemporary situation that is awaiting all college student in the near future. The project will, therefore, be important in expanding the level of knowledge. The results from this research can, therefore, be used by any college student or institutional management so as to help prepare the students through education and training

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why I want to be a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why I want to be a Nurse - Essay Example I believe being a nurse is more of a calling than a profession. Taking care of others has always interested me. There is something that happens within me when I help another person. I not only feel a great sense of purpose but also experience happiness in my ability to help someone in need. When you help and take care of someone; it makes you feel that you have contributed in making their life more beautiful, less painful and more hopeful, at least that’s the way I feel about it. I once heard someone say â€Å"A doctor treats a disease that a person happens to have, but a nurse treats a patient who just happens to have a disease.† There is so much suffering in this world today and since I am an extremely sensitive and compassionate young person, I feel personally challenged to contribute in whatever way I can and make a difference in this world. At present I volunteer at a local veterinary animal hospital and also a care home. I am extremely interested in geriatrics - t he branch of medicine that deals with the diseases, debilities, and care of aged persons. I believe that pursuing a career in Nursing will enable me to learn and provide professional medical assistance to these people who are in need. I am sure the nursing profession will no doubt be challenging and demanding, and that’s why I keep with me the words written by Rn Cardillo Donna (2001) where she goes on to say â€Å"When the reality of your chosen profession hits, it can be overwhelming. But never lose sight of the reason you chose to enter this glorious profession – to help others, make a difference, and make the world a better place to be. That’s what it’s all about†.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The cost of the Vietnam War

The cost of the Vietnam War The United States Military took part in the Vietnam War, which started in 1957 and ended in 1975. At that time of war Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam (Communist system) and South Vietnam (non communist). North Vietnam didnt want the U.S. to support South Vietnam. South Vietnam took U.S. help to make Vietnam single nation. When Harry Truman was president, the United States had established a doctrine called containment. Originated by George Kennan and other diplomats and policy advisers, the policy of containment aimed not to fight a determined war with the communist Soviet Union, but instead to narrow communism and the Soviet Union to their existing boundaries. This containment led directly to the Vietnam War. The Soviet Union was determined to expand communism on the rest of the world. Communist governments would without doubt be part of Soviet kingdom but according to the doctrine of containment there could be no such thing as a neutral, one nation. It must be either part of the Soviet Union or Unites States. So, the belief was that all nations must be associated with either the United States or the Soviet Union. The United States was afraid of spreading of the communism, but the doctrine of containment made it difficult to see nations as separate, as places with different cultures, different problems, and different histories. The Vietnam was part of French Indochina in 1946. The Vietnamese fought with French to get their independence. Military equipment was provided by the United States still French were defeated in 1954. Then Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam. The war was mainly between the South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese known as the Viet Cong from 1957 to 1965. The military was provided by United States. The U.S. troops went to Vietnam in March 1965. They did most of the fighting with North Vietnam until 1969. By the end of 1969, the War seemed never-ending. Gradually United States began to pull out U.S. military. In January 1973, a negotiating meeting was arranged. Two months later last U.S. troops left Vietnam. Even though the fighting between North and South Vietnam resumed soon afterwards, U.S. troops did not return. On April 30, 1975, South Vietnam surrendered to North Vietnam and ended the war. The American military was not defeated in Vietnam. The American military did not lose a battle of any consequence. From a military standpoint, it was almost an unprecedented performance. (General William Westmoreland quoting Douglas Pike, a professor at the University of California, Berkley a renowned expert on the Vietnam war) [Westmoreland] Professor Pike does not categorically state that the United States did not lose the war in Vietnam; however, I believe that his comment is generally understood to mean that the United States did not lose the war. President Nixons secretary of defence James Schlesinger regretted that the military had too many restraints placed upon it during the war. Generals Maxwell Taylor and William Westmoreland lamented that they could have won the war if only the American people had not succumbed to a failure of will. Historian Henry S. Commanger like other humanists was sickened by the immorality by events taking place in Vietnam during the war stated, in part, †¦that some wars are so deeply immoral that they must be lost, that the war in Vietnam was one of these wars†¦ Here we have two viewpoints as to whether or not the war was won or lost. The first point is by Professor Pike, who seems to believe that the United States did not lose the war in Vietnam. The second viewpoint is expressed by James Schlesinger, Generals Taylor and Westmoreland and Henry Commanger. The comments by Secretary Schlesinger, Generals Taylor and Moreland seem to indicate that the United State did lose the war. One of Saigons wartime prime ministers, Nguyen Kao Ky, took an exceptional position among Vietnamese veterans living in the United States. He saw the roll of hearts and minds in Saigons defeat. In his book How We Lost the War in Vietnam he described the U.S. role in Vietnam as misguided and naive concerning the opinions of the common Vietnamese [Macros History the world report] The most famous nationalist leader in the twentieth century was Ho Chi Minh, born in 1890 to a low-level government employee. At the time of World War I, Ho travelled to Europe and joined other Vietnamese to plead for independence. The Communists seemed to be the only political force to strongly disapprove colonialism, so Ho and other nationalist joined the Communist party. In 1930 and 1931 the French brutally suppressed a Vietnamese uprising, killing 10,000 and deporting 50,000. In 1940 and 1941 the Japanese took over Vietnam but left collaborating French officials in charge. The Vietnamese, including Hos Communists went underground, used China as a base and in 1941 organized the Viet Minh. In the final days of World War II Viet Minh guerillas fought Japanese troops and worked with the United States. Ho sent formal messages to Washington describing himself as the George Washington of Vietnam and often mentioned the American Declaration of Independence and the Atlantic Charter. In August 29th, 1945 the Viet Minh organized the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) and established headquarters in Hanoi. Vietnam seemed closer to independence than ever before. In the fall of 1944 State Department officials told President Roosevelt that Indochina and South east Asia were potentially important markets for American exports. Roosevelt never formulated exact plans for Indochina, so the French, with British and American military help, returned to Vietnam. They were not welcomed. Abandoned by the United States, receiving no support from Russia and now facing French forces the Viet Minh accepted a compromise with France in March 1946. Viet Minh and French soldiers clashed in December. One French bombardment of Haiphong killed several thousand civilians. The Viet Minh responded with guerilla terror. For the next eight years, Vietnam was wrecked by bloody combat, with the French holding the cities and the Viet Minh in the countryside. When Richard Nixon became President in 1969 he stated a plan Vietnamization that would end the war. He bombed North Vietnam, and in 1972 U.S. air power encouraged Vietnam to establish an agreement with the United States. The U.S. part of the agreement was that it would pull its troops out of Vietnam and take apart its bases. According to the agreement, the U.S. could replace arms, on a one-to-one basis, that had been supplied to the Saigon regime. President Nixon planned to use air power again to discourage Vietnam if they violated the agreement. U.S. citizens were turning against United States involvement in Vietnam War. They were influenced by what they saw on television including children running from bombings. The U.S. Congress responded to the change in public opinion on the war, and it voted for restrictions on material support to the regime in Saigon. During the ten year period that followed the military triumph of the communist forces in Vietnam, the much feared spread of communism to other nations in the Far East did not happen. Thailand, Burma, Indonesia or the Philippines did not follow communism. A communist force had taken power in Cambodia but did not remain in power long. Neither did the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia in opposition to that communist force. Few lessoned were learned by the United States in this war. One was the removal of terror bombing. The second lesson was to restrict access for journalists and with military-led television. And the third lesson was that no U.S. troops should be committed to battle without a clear goal, a feasible plan and public support. Facts about the end of the war: The 140,000 evacuees in April 1975 during the fall of Saigon consisted almost entirely of civilians and Vietnamese military, NOT American military running for their lives. There were almost twice as many casualties in South east Asia (primarily Cambodia) the first two years after the fall of Saigon in 1975 then there were during the ten years the U.S. was involved in Vietnam. [1996 Information Please Almanac] More helicopter facts: Approximately 12,000 helicopters saw action in Vietnam (all services). Army UH-1s totalled 7,531,955 flight hours in Vietnam between October 1966 and the end of 1975. Army AH-1Gs totalled 1,038,969 flight hours in Vietnam. [VHPA databases] Around Fifty thousand Americans lost their lives. The losses to the Vietnamese people were awful. The financial cost to the United States comes to something over $150 billion dollars. Americans who lost their lives in war have their names engraved on a black granite wall. This is called the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, located in Washington, D.C. There are the around 58,000 Americans who paid the supreme sacrifice in the service of their country in Vietnam. References 1996 Information Please Almanac 1995 Information Please Almanac Atlas Yearbook 49th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston New York 1996, pages 117, 161 and 292. Westmoreland Speech by General William C. Westmoreland before the Third Annual Reunion of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) at the Washington, DC Hilton Hotel on July 5th, 1986 (reproduced in a Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Historical Reference Directory Volume 2A) Macros History the world report- Macros History the world report- VHPA Databases Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Databases.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Werner Heisenberg and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle :: Physicist biography Heisenberg Essays

Werner Heisenberg and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Werner Heisenberg, born in the dawn of the twentieth century became one of its greatest physicists; he is also among its most controversial. While still in his early twenties, he was among the handful of bright, young men who created quantum mechanics, the basic physics of the atom, and he became a leader of nuclear physics and elementary particle research. He is best known for his uncertainty principle, a component of the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of the meaning, and uses of quantum mechanics. Through his successful life, he lived through two lost World Wars, Soviet Revolution, military occupation, two republics, political unrest, and Hitler’s Third Reich. He was not a Nazi, and like most scientists of his day he tried not to become involved in politics. He played a prominent role in German nuclear testing during the World War II era. At age twenty-five he received a full professorship and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932 at the age of thirty-two. He climbed quickly to the top of his field beginning at the University of Munich when his interest in theoretical physics was sparked Heisenberg was born the son of August Heisenberg in WÃ ¼rzburg, Germany on December 5, 1901. August Heisenberg was a professor of Greek at the University of Munich. His grandfather was a middle-class craftsman who’s hard work paid enough to afford a good education for August Heisenberg. The successfulness of August Heisenberg allowed him to support his family well. The professorship at the University of Munich put them in the upper middle-class elite, and was paid three times the salary of skilled workers. Through his life Werner Heisenberg was pestered with health problems. At the age of five, he nearly died with a lung infection which helped him get a little preferential treatment from his parents. During his early years, Werner was in constant competition with his brother Erwin which caused friction. The Heisenberg family were accomplished musicians. Every evening they would sit and practice together. August was on the piano, Erwin played the violin, and Werner played the cello. Their mother insisted that she had no musical talent as an excuse to not be involved in the male competition. Later Werner also learned the piano and used his musical talents as a social vehicle during the course of his life. This manly competition carried out in many other activities in the house. Werner Heisenberg and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle :: Physicist biography Heisenberg Essays Werner Heisenberg and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Werner Heisenberg, born in the dawn of the twentieth century became one of its greatest physicists; he is also among its most controversial. While still in his early twenties, he was among the handful of bright, young men who created quantum mechanics, the basic physics of the atom, and he became a leader of nuclear physics and elementary particle research. He is best known for his uncertainty principle, a component of the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of the meaning, and uses of quantum mechanics. Through his successful life, he lived through two lost World Wars, Soviet Revolution, military occupation, two republics, political unrest, and Hitler’s Third Reich. He was not a Nazi, and like most scientists of his day he tried not to become involved in politics. He played a prominent role in German nuclear testing during the World War II era. At age twenty-five he received a full professorship and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932 at the age of thirty-two. He climbed quickly to the top of his field beginning at the University of Munich when his interest in theoretical physics was sparked Heisenberg was born the son of August Heisenberg in WÃ ¼rzburg, Germany on December 5, 1901. August Heisenberg was a professor of Greek at the University of Munich. His grandfather was a middle-class craftsman who’s hard work paid enough to afford a good education for August Heisenberg. The successfulness of August Heisenberg allowed him to support his family well. The professorship at the University of Munich put them in the upper middle-class elite, and was paid three times the salary of skilled workers. Through his life Werner Heisenberg was pestered with health problems. At the age of five, he nearly died with a lung infection which helped him get a little preferential treatment from his parents. During his early years, Werner was in constant competition with his brother Erwin which caused friction. The Heisenberg family were accomplished musicians. Every evening they would sit and practice together. August was on the piano, Erwin played the violin, and Werner played the cello. Their mother insisted that she had no musical talent as an excuse to not be involved in the male competition. Later Werner also learned the piano and used his musical talents as a social vehicle during the course of his life. This manly competition carried out in many other activities in the house.